Longest running improv comedy show in san francisco
Live Improv Comedy Show - Fridays and Saturdays 8:00 pm - Full Bar No Drink Minimum
Live Improv Comedy Show - Fridays and Saturdays 8:00 pm - Full Bar No Drink Minimum
Secret Improv Society improv comedy shows has been a staple of San Francisco late night for 17 years running. Come watch the show enjoyed by tens of thousands of people but created just for you. Fridays and Saturdays 8 pm
Secret Improv Society has hundreds of reviews on Google and Yelp as well as being recommended in Trip Advisor and receiving rave magazine reviews. Check out our reviews page and leave a review if you have recently seen the show!
We offer Corporate Training Playshops. You can select from our Specialty Playshops or let us create a custom program that fits your specific goals. Bring the power of improv to your workplace and improve your team interpersonal communication and teamwork
If you need to talk to a live person, call (415) 596-6661
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